About Us
In the beginning …
In August of 1984, a Basic Woodturning Course was conducted for local Technical School Woodwork Staff. It ran for a week of the school holidays under the supervision of Bob Ripley and Bob Harris. At this stage, Tom Tacey and Hunter Fairmaid, both from Kialla area, had been discussing the idea of forming a local woodworking club and used the impetus of the training course to call a public meeting of interested woodworkers. This was held in the woodwork room of the Shepparton Technical School the following week. About 33 interested woodworkers turned up and were addressed by the two Bobs; Bob Ripley and Bob Harris. This meeting became known as the Two Bob Show, which in future years was fondly remembered by the original participants.
Due to the success of the initial evening a formal public meeting was held in the Kialla Hall on the 27th September 1984 with the intention of forming a woodturning club. The meeting was addressed by Bob Ripley and Frank Wilcox who had formed a club in the previous year in Benalla. Following discussions and questions, the meeting decided to go ahead and form a club with the name - Woodcrafters and Woodturners of the Goulburn Valley.
The Club’s Home
In 1997 the club leased part of the Mechanics Hall in Shepparton. They renovated the rear part of the hall as a workshop area whilst retaining the front section for a meeting room. In 2009 it was time to move and they leased a building at the rear corner of the Wanganui Park Secondary College in Packham Street. A large workshop, meeting room, kitchen and dining area have since been established and continue to this day.
The club has been developed with modern machinery and is currently open three mornings and two nights a week for members to do woodworking, share knowledge and ideas or just enjoy a cuppa and a chat.
In 2023, the club affiliated with the Victorian Men’s Shed Association and is now a community shed. In May 2023, the club was very lucky to be asked to provide wooden items to go on display in Victorian Parliament. Several of our members had items on display including Don McCrabb. Don provided a gorgeous segmented turned vase that was made with over 500 pieces! It was the hit of the display and was used as the focus for the Parliament News Report. Congratulations to all members who had items on display and most of all to Don!
The club supports local charities by providing wood turning demonstrations at fundraising events and has conducted several successful seminars involving prominent guest woodturners and craftsmen. For many years the club has been conducting monthly toy making workshops to make toys for local charities to be given away at Christmas. Each year the club has donated over 500+ toys to a variety of groups including; the Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul and Community Care Connect. In conjunction with the toy giveaway, the club also makes a financial donation to a chosen charity each year.
In 1990 a Fine Furniture, Woodware and Woodworking Show was held in the Shepparton Civic Centre to showcase the skills and range of work being done by our members. The show was a great success and has been held every year since. 2023 will see the club run its 31st Annual Woodworking Show!