Example of Brendan Stemps work
Wandin Woodturners - Special event
to be held at Mont De Lancy Clubrooms
71 Wellington Road
Wandin North 3139
Presented by Eastern Woodturners Inc.
Brendan Stemp Demonstration
April 20th 2024 9-4pm
Cost $40
Brendan Stemp will be demonstrating The Art of Gentle Woodturning - the 2 golden rules to help you avoid catches and understand how to use any woodturning tool.
The Platypus bowl - a resin and wood bowl and Multi axis turning like no other - the process I use to make my unique multi axis lidded containers.
A raffle will be held on the day. 1st prize a piece completed by Brendan. 2nd prize woodturning goodies valued at $100 and 3rd prize at $80.
A lucky door prize of $50 value will also be drawn.
A BBQ lunch will be provided.
Contact Charlie on 0408 177759 or
email charlie_chamberlain@outlook.com